Thursday 3 April 2014




'Mingalaba' means good morning or hello. Disregarding how mispronounced the word is by visitors it always puts a huge smile on the faces of the people of Myanmar. It is not enough to call Burmese people friendly. They are kind, warmhearted and smiling in spite of the poverty and hardship surrounding them.

Burmese people exert happiness and welcome visitors. Their smiling faces are painted with thanakha, a paste that acts as sunscreen. It is also the cheapest in the world beauty product and natural moisturizer.

So “when in Rome” as the saying goes ….. it is a must to try thanakha and see the results of its application. Not many visitors actually try the product. However, all local ladies wear it quite naturally. Thanakha face is definitely one of the faces of Burma. In fact it is the most popular and ever present face.

Burmese people often wear the tribal wear. Shan State has a strong identity and the head dress is quite elaborate.

While the ever present monks use the simple dress code. The people of Myanmar are generous. Monks always fill up their bowls with donations and food disregarding how poor the givers are. Tasty mohinga soup is a favorite breakfast fare.

The nation so diverse, a conglomerate of different states and tribes live in harmony many could envy. A Burmese friend is a friend forever.

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