Essington was a try for the brave settlers. It still is a remote
place inhabited by snakes, crocodiles and wild animals. No wonder
early settlers gave up the effort.
Crocodiles, closely related to dinosaurs but not extinct, were being culled for
the sake of safety for people till the 1960s. Finally people realized
that they should join crowded, noisy and polluted city dwellers and
let animals live in peace in their natural environment. So now
crocodiles are plentiful.
Peninsula is teaming with fish, being remote it does not attract many
fishermen. It is home to few indigenous people who enjoy the natural
way of life. Also an occasional yacht stops on its passage to enjoy
fabulous scenery and quiet of the anchorages. Just a shame it is not
advisable to have a swim, crocodiles and sharks are here. Sea and sky
colors are amazing though.
into the sunset , leaving the colors of land and sky behind one can
only wonder what other surprises are waiting in this remote area.
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