Palau, an archipelago in Western Pacific known as Caroline Islands consists of some 26 islands and another 300 smaller islets. It was part of Federated States of Micronesia but became independent in 1981 and entered into free association with the United States. Koror is most known island with an airport receiving international flights.
Other islands are less populated and concentrate on boat services for snorkeling and diving. The waters around Palau islands are pristine and crystal clear, the underwater world is amazing with thousands of species of fish, sharks, turtles and rays.
The main attraction “on land” is a visit to bai, a decorated wooden meeting house used by traditional chiefs of a village. The jungle is full of birdlife. It is also full of WWII rusty remnants.
Palau ruled centuries ago by Spain, Germany, Japan and most recently US gained full independence in 1994.
Palau is known as Pristine Paradise, a well deserved name.