Fraser Island, stretching from Sandy Cape in the North to Inskeep Point in the South, has recently been named in the Indigenous language of the region K'Gari, meaning Paradise. The wildlife of the island is protected, especially dingoes with their traditional name wongari. However, tourism bringing money to a few settlements is effecting their safety.
Back in the early 80's Lindy Chamberline has been imprisoned for killing her daughter Azaria. It was a wrongful conviction, but back then it was unheard of a dingo attacking children. Well, visitors to K'Gari keep on feeding dingoes and those wild animals have been declared dangerous.
The solution is simple, do not feed dingoes.
The bigger danger are 4wheel drives hooning on the sandy beaches and polluting the air. In late 80's a girl sunbathing on a towel has been killed by a speeding 4wheel drive. In spite of the tragedy they continue to hoon coming to conclusion sunbathing is not healthy and she would be a victim of melanoma anyway.
So what can be done to protect beautiful K'Gari & its original inhabitants wongari.
Probably limit number of visitors and make sure they leave their cars on the mainland.
Everybody would enjoy peace and quiet and fresh air.