Nga Bay is a treasure of picturesque little islands and rock
formations on the
eastern side of Phuket Island. To say the bay is scenic is an
understatement. Shapes of the rock formations, their colors
contrasting with green vegetation, azure sea and golden beaches are

are “hongs” to be discovered. Hongs are hidden spaces inside
rocky out crops that can hold pirate treasures or just rich
vegetation and bird life. The mystery surrounding hongs is part of
the enjoyment of searching for them.
road to discovery is picturesque and once inside a hong it is amazing
nature at its best. Hongs are unique and spectacular, best visited
before tour boats with hundreds of loud visitors arrive. The numbers
of visitors unfortunately erase the mystery of the hongs, the
atmosphere of being alone with pirate history and impressive nature.
entry to hongs is subject to the height of tides. If the tide is right
before tour boats arrive or after they depart, the true beauty of
this magic of nature can be fully enjoyed.